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钱朝南 鼻咽癌早期诊断及综合治疗
广州挂号网 专家名医预约挂号 广州专业的医疗服务网   2013-11-13 16:02:17 作者:小邹 来源:广州挂号网 

1992毕业于中山医科大学医学系本科毕业,获医学学士学位。1999 在中山医科大学获医学博士学位。
医生姓名: 钱朝南
医生职称: 研究员
所属医院科室: 鼻咽癌科  中山大学肿瘤医院
出诊时间: 暂无
特长介绍: 鼻咽癌早期诊断及综合治疗 


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 屈立新教授 氩氦刀华南“第一刀”


1992毕业于中山医科大学医学系本科毕业,获医学学士学位。1999 在中山医科大学获医学博士学位。2000 – 2003年分别在美国德州大学 MD Anderson Cancer Center和Van Andel Research Institute接受博士后培训。2004开始在 Van Andel Research Institute (VARI)担任Research Scientist。2006在 National Cancer Center Singapore(NCCS)受聘兼职Senior Scientist,随后于2007年在该单位受聘兼职Deputy Director of the NCCS-VARI Translational Research Laboratory。2007年6月,作为中山大学百人计划引进人才在中山大学肿瘤防治中心鼻咽科担任研究员、博士生导师。2008年被中国卫生部聘为“健康中国2020”战略研究专家。2008年开始担任中山大学肿瘤防治中心院长助理。2009年底开始担任《癌症》杂志副主编。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、卫生部重大专项分题、863项目分题等。为30多个国际期刊担任审稿人。

已在SCI收录的期刊发表论文 60 余篇,其中 43 篇如下:
1.  Chen Y, Wang K, Qian CN, Leach R.  DNA methylation is associated with transcription of Snail and Slug genes.  Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2012 Dec 19. [Epub ahead of print]
2.  Chen ZY, Shi M, Peng LX, Wei W, Li XJ, Guo ZX, Li SH, Zhong C, Qian CN, Guo RP.   Dovitinib preferentially targets endothelial cells rather than cancer cells for the inhibition of hepatocellular carcinoma growth and metastasis.  J Transl Med 2012 Dec 10;10(1):245. [Epub ahead of print]
3. Gu AD, Zeng MS, Qian CN.  The criteria to confirm the role of Epstein-Barr virus in nasopharyngeal carcinoma initiation.  Int J Mol Sci 2012; 13(10): 13737-47.
4.  Chen S, Zhao BW, Li YF, Feng XY, Sun XW, Li W, Zhou ZW, Zhan YQ, Qian CN, Chen YB.  The prognostic value of harvested lymph nodes and the metastatic lymph node ratio for gastric cancer patients: results of a study of 1,101 patients.  PLoS One 2012; 7(11): e49424.
5.  Zheng FJ, Ye HB, Wu MS, Lian YF, Qian CN, Zeng YX. Repressing malic enzyme 1 redirects glucose metabolism, unbalances the redox state, and attenuates migratory and invasive abilities in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell lines. Chin J Cancer 2012; 31(11):519-31.
6. Wee J, Nei WL, Yeoh KW, Yeo RM, Loong SL, Qian CN.  Why are East Asians more susceptible to several infection-associated cancers (carcinomas of the nasopharynx, stomach, liver, adenocarcinoma of the lung, nasal NK/T-cell lymphomas)?  Med Hypotheses 2012 Oct 15. [Epub ahead of print]
7. Lee SY, Qian CN, Ooi AS, Chen P, Wong BH, Myint SS, Wong JC, Hwang JS, Khee Chee S.  Changes in specialized blood vessels in lymph nodes and their role in cancer metastasis.  J Transl Med 2012 Oct 4;10(1):206. [Epub ahead of print]
8. Li J, Mo HY, Xiong G, Zhang L, He J, Huang ZF, Liu ZW, Chen QY, Du ZM, Zheng LM, Qian CN, Zeng YX.  Tumor microenvironment MIF directs the accumulation of IL-17-producing tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and predicts favorable survival in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients. J Biol Chem 2012; 287(42): 35484-95.
9. Cao Y, Zhang ZL, Zhou M, Elson P, Rini B, Aydin H, Feenstra K, Tan MH, Berghuis B, Tabbey R, Resau JH, Zhou FJ, Teh BT, Qian CN. Pericyte coverage of differentiated vessels inside tumor vasculature is an independent unfavorable prognostic factor for patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma.  Cancer  2012 Jul 18. doi: 10.1002/cncr.27746. [Epub ahead of print]
10. Li XJ, Peng LX, Shao JY, Lu WH, Zhang JX, Chen S, Chen ZY, Xiang YQ, Bao YN, Zheng FJ, Zeng MS, Kang TB, Zeng YX, Teh BT, Qian CN. As an independent unfavorable prognostic factor, IL-8 promotes metastasis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma through induction of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and activation of AKT signaling.  Carcinogenesis 2012; 33(7): 1302-1309.
11. Ong CK, Subimerb C, Pairojkul C, Wongkham S, Cutcutache I, Yu W, McPherson JR, Allen GE, Ng CC, Wong BH, Myint SS, Rajasegaran V, Heng HL, Gan A, Zang ZJ, Wu Y, Wu J, Lee MH, Huang D, Ong P, Chan-On W, Cao Y, Qian CN, Lim KH, Ooi A, Dykema K, Furge K, Kukongviriyapan V, Sripa B, Wongkham C, Yongvanit P, Futreal PA, Bhudhisawasdi V, Rozen S, Tan P, Teh BT.  Exome sequencing of liver fluke-associated cholangiocarcinoma. Nature Genetics 2012; 44(6):690-693.
12. Qin L, Bromberg-White JL, Qian CN.  Opportunities and challenges in tumor angiogenesis research: back and forth between bench and bed.  Advances in Cancer Research 2012; 113:191-239
13.  Chen QY, Wen YF, Guo L, Liu H, Huang PY, Mo HY, Li NW, Xiang YQ, Luo DH, Qiu F, Sun R, Deng MQ, Chen MY, Hua YJ, Guo X, Cao KJ, Hong MH, Qian CN, Mai HQ.  Concurrent chemoradiotherapy vs radiotherapy alone in stage II nasopharyngeal carcinoma: Phase III randomized trial. Journal of National Cancer Institute 2011; 103(23):1761-1770.
14.  Wang HY, Sun BY, Zhu ZH, Chang ET, To KF, Hwang JS, Jiang H, Kam MK, Chen G, Cheah SL, Lee M, Liu ZW, Chen J, Zhang JX, Zhang HZ, He JH, Chen FL, Zhu XD, Huang MY, Liao DZ, Fu J, Shao Q, Cai MB, Du ZM, Yan LX, Hu CF, Ng HK, Wee JT, Qian CN, Liu Q, Ernberg I, Ye W, Adami HO, Chan AT, Zeng YX, Shao JY.  Eight-signature classifier for prediction of nasopharnyngeal carcinoma survival. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2011; 29(34):4516-4525.
15. Zhao YY, Xue C, Jiang W, Zhao HY, Huang Y, Feenstra K, Resau JH, Qian CN, Zhang L.  Predictive Value of Intratumoral Microvascular Density in Patients with Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy Plus Bevacizumab.  Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2011; 7(1): 71-75
16. Li XJ, Qian CN.  Serglycin in human cancers.  Chinese Journal of Cancer 2011; 30(9):585-589.
17. Li GP, Wang H, Lai YK, Chen SC, Lin MC, Lu G, Zhang JF, He XG, Qian CN, Kung HF. Proteomic profiling between CNE-2 and its strongly metastatic subclone S-18 and functional characterization of HSP27 in metastasis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.  Proteomics 2011; 11(14): 2911-20.
18. Liu RY, Dong Z, Liu J, Yin JY, Zhou L, Wu X, Yang Y, Mo W, Huang W, Khoo SK, Chen J, Petillo D, Teh BT, Qian CN, Zhang JT.  Role of eIF3a in regulating cisplatin sensitivity and in translational control of nucleotide excision repair of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.  Oncogene 2011;  30(48):4814-23.
19.Ding T, Xu J, Zhang Y, Guo RP, Wu WC, Zhang SD, Qian CN, Zheng L.  Endothelium-coated tumor clusters are associated with poor prognosis and micrometastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma after resection.  Cancer 2011; 117(21): 4878-4889.
20. Li XJ, Ong CK, Cao Y, Xiang Y, Shao JY, Ooi A, Peng LX, Lu WH, Zhang Z, Petillo D, Qin L, Bao YN, Zheng FJ, Chia CS, Iyer NG, Kang TB, Zeng YX, Soo KC, Trent JM, Teh BT, Qian CN.  Serglycin is a theranostic target in nasopharyngeal carcinoma that promotes metastasis. Cancer Res 2011; 71(8): 3162-3172.
21. Cao SM, Simons MJ, Qian CN.  The prevalence and prevention of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in China.  Chin J Cancer 2011; 30(2):114-9.
22. Chen JA, Shi M, Li JQ, Qian CN. Angiogenesis: multiple masks in hepatocellular carcinoma and liver regeneration.  Hepatology International  2010; 4(3): 537–547.
23. Qian CN. Exploration of the postponing mechanism that delays carcinoma onset. Cancer Cell International 2010; 10: 38.
24.  Kong QL, Hu LJ, Cao JY, Huang YJ, Xu LH, Liang Y, Xiong D, Guan S, Guo BH, Mai HQ, Chen QY, Zhang X, Li MZ, Shao JY, Qian CN, Xia YF, Song LB, Zeng YX, Zeng MS.  Epstein-Barr virus-encoded LMP2A induces an epithelial-mesenchymal transition and increases the number of side population stem-like cancer cells in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.  PLoS Pathogen 2010; 6(6): e1000940.
25. Wee JT, Ha TC, Loong SL, Qian CN. Is nasopharyngeal cancer really a "Cantonese cancer"? Chinese Journal of Cancer 2010; 29(5):517-26.
26.  Huang D, Ding Y, Li Y, Luo WM, Zhang ZF, Snider J, Vandenbeldt K, Qian CN, Teh BT. Sunitinib acts primarily on tumor endothelium rather than tumor cells to inhibit the growth of renal cell carcinoma.  Cancer Research 2010; 70(3):1053-62.
27.  Huang D, Ding Y, Zhou M, Rini BI, Petillo D, Qian CN, Kahnoski R, Futreal PA, Furge KA, Teh BT.  Interleukin-8 mediates resistance to antiangiogenic agent sunitinib in renal cell carcinoma.  Cancer Research 2010; 70(3):1063-71.
28. Wee JT, Anderson BO,  Corry J, D’Cruz A, Soo KC, Qian CN, Chua DT, Hicks RJ, Goh HK, Khoo JB, Ong SC, Forastiere AA, Chan AT. Management of the neck following chemo-radiotherapy for head and neck cancers. Consensus statement from the Asian Oncology Summit 2009. Lancet Oncology 2009; 10(11): 1086-1092.
29. Tan FL, Ooi A, Huang D, Wong JC, Qian CN, Chao C, Ooi L, Tan YM, Chung A, Cheow PC, Zhang Z, Petillo D, Yang XJ, Teh BT.  p38delta/MAPK13 as a diagnostic marker for cholangiocarcinoma and its involvement in cell motility and invasion.  Internaltional Journal of Cancer 2009; 126(10): 2353-2361.
30.  Qian CN, Furge K, Knol J, Huang D, Chen J, Dykema KJ, Kort EJ, Massie A, Khoo SK, VandenBeldt K, Resau JH, Anema J, Kahnoski RJ, Morreau H, Camparo P, Comperat E, Sibony M, Denoux Y, Molinie V, Vieillefond A, Eng C, Williams BO, Teh BT.  Activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway induces transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis:  Identification in human tumors and confirmation in animal models. Cancer Research 2009; 69(21): 8256-8264.
31. Qian CN, Huang D, Wondergem B, Teh BT.  Complexity of tumor vasculature in clear cell renal cell carcinoma.  Cancer 2009; 115(10 Suppl): 2282-2289.
32.  Hui Z, Tretiakova M, Zhang Z, Li Y, Wang X, Zhu JX, Gao Y, Mai W, Furge K, Qian CN, Amato R, Butler EB, Teh BT, Teh BS.  Radiosensitization by inhibiting STAT1 in renal cell carcinoma.  Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2009; 73(1):288-295.
33. Chen J, Futami K, Petillo D, Peng J, Wang P, Knol J, Li Y, Khoo SK, Huang D, Qian CN, Zhao P, Dykyma K, Zhang R, Cao B, Yang XJ, Furge K, Williams BO, Teh BT.  Deficiency of FLCN in mouse kidney led to development of polycystic kidneys and renal neoplasia.  PLoS ONE 2008; 3(10):e3581.
34. Qin L, Zhang X, Zhang L, Feng Y, Weng GX, Li MZ, Kong QL, Qian CN, Zeng YX, Zeng MS, Liao DF, Song LB.  Downregulation of BMI-1 enhances 5-fluorouracil-induced apoptosis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells.  Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2008; 371(3):531-535.
35. Qian CN, Resau JH, Teh BT.  Prospects for vasculature reorganization in sentinel lymph nodes.  Cell Cycle 2007; 6(5):514-517.
36.  Yao X, Qian CN, Zhang ZF, Tan MH, Kort EJ, Yang XJ, Resau JH, Teh BT.  Two distinct types of blood vessels in clear cell renal cell carcinoma have contrasting prognostic implications.  Clinical Cancer Research 2007; 13(1):161-169.
37.  Qian CN, Berghuis B, Tsarfaty G, Bruch M, Kort EJ, Ditlev J, Tsarfaty I, Hudson E, Jackson DG, Petillo D, Chen J, Resau JH, Teh BT.  Preparing the "soil": The primary tumor induces vasculature reorganization in the sentinel lymph node before the arrival of metastatic cancer cells.  Cancer Research 2006; 66(21):10365-10376
38.  Qian CN, Knol J, Igarashi P, Lin F, Zylstra U, Teh BT, Williams BO. Cystic renal neoplasia following conditional inactivation of apc in mouse renal tubular epithelium.  The Journal of Biological Chemistry 2005; 280(5):3938-3945.
39.  Takahashi M, Yang XJ, Sugimura J, Backdahl J, Tretiakova M, Qian CN, Gray SG, Knapp R, Anema J, Kahnoski R, Nicol D, Vogelzang NJ, Furge KA, Kanayama H, Kagawa S, Teh BT.   Molecular subclassification of kidney tumors and the discovery of new diagnostic markers.  Oncogene 2003; 22(43): 6810-6818.
40.  Qian CN, Takahashi M, Kahnoski RJ, Teh BT.  Effect of sildenafil citrate on an orthotopic prostate cancer growth and metastasis model.  The Journal of Urology 2003; 170(3): 994-997.
41. Qian CN, Guo X, Cao B, Kort EJ, Lee CC, Chen, Wang LM, Mai WY, Min HQ, Hong MH, Vande Woude GF, Resau JH, Teh BT.  Met protein expression level correlates with survival in patients with late-stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma.  Cancer Research 2002; 62(2): 589-596.
42.  Shi Q, Le X, Abbruzzese JL, Peng Z, Qian CN, Tang H, Xiong Q, Wang B, Li XC, Xie K.  Constitutive Sp1 activity is essential for differential constitutive expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma.  Cancer Research 2001; 61(10): 4143-4154.
43. Qian CN, Zhang CQ, Guo X, Hong MH, Cao SM, Mai WY, Min HQ, Zeng YX.   Elevation of serum vascular endothelial growth factor in male patients with metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Cancer 2000; 88(2): 255-261.

















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